Sunday Salon #2: ‘Venus’

erotic workshop

Our second Sunday Salon asked you to ditch date night, skip the box of chocolates and think twice about that bunch of flowers. Instead we gathered at the Galander Bar in Kreuzberg to indulge in an evening dedicated to Venus, goddess of love and lust.

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Sunday Salon #1 ‘Belonging’

For those of you who couldn’t make it, here is an edited podcast from our inaugural Sunday Salon back in November. It features author Tod Wodicka, writer and pianist Polly Trope and the Reader’s own Victoria Gosling. The theme was ‘Belonging, a home or a lack of one’, not an untopical subject in current times.

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An Invitation from SAND Journal & The Reader

On Saturday April 25th at 8:30pm at 1820BAR, the humanoids behind Berlin’s English literary journal SAND, along with fabulous author and publishing services co-host, The Reader Berlin, invite you to join us as we present SAND Issue 11. Our newest issue, featuring the winning story from The Reader’s short story competition, questions identity.

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