Writing Flash Fiction: Fast, Fierce, Compact *FULL*

This class is full! Michael’s next class will start April 16. If you would like to be put on the waiting list for his next class, drop him a line at michaeljeffreylee.biz@gmail.com to sign up! Writing Flash Fiction: Fast, Fierce, Compact The goal here is simple: learn to trust your instincts, get over your writing … Read more

The Essay Generator *FULL*

The Essay Generator Has your nonfiction project lost momentum? Are you doubting your own writing judgment? Do you want to get something finished for once? Show up and sit down (virtually) with a small, focused workshopping group overseen by The Reader teacher, editor and author, Susanna Forrest. Susanna will draw on twenty years’ experience to … Read more

Dreamwork: A Generative Poetry Workshop

Dreamwork: A Generative Poetry Workshop In Practicalities, describing the practice of writing, Marguerite Duras writes, “It’s a matter of deciphering something already there, something you’ve already done in the sleep of your life…” What Duras is describing we might also call a dream and the work necessary to bring the writing about might be akin … Read more

The Fall Fiction Workshop

What kind of stories do you want to tell, and what is the best way of telling them? Open to writers of all levels, this seven-week workshop will allow you to experiment with and develop your own writing, with an eye to generating stories that are efficient, loaded, and urgent. In the first half of … Read more

The Screenwriting Workshop – online

Is your writing lacking drama or focus, or are you spending too much time telling and not showing? Open to writers of all levels and genres, this screenwriting course will help you exercise your muscles in visual, dramatic writing. The objective is to learn how to take the germ of a story idea and mold it … Read more

The New Year’s Fiction Workshop *FULL*

What kind of stories do you want to tell, and what is the best way of telling them? Open to writers of all levels, this seven-week workshop will allow you to experiment with and develop your own writing, with an eye to generating stories that are efficient, loaded, and urgent. In the first half of … Read more

Divya’s Book Club 2022 (Online Sessions)

Divya 3

Divya’s popular reading series is back for a third year running! Think of it as a dream book club for writers, focused on contemporary fiction by women and non-binary authors of colour. Participants will meet once every fortnight to discuss texts, and will be supported by a curated online forum.   You’ll talk about issues … Read more

Imagination Unfurled — PART TWO

We are thrilled to be offering a new round of Clare’s Part Two Imagination Unfurled course. Workshops will continue in a similar vein as in Part One, with a balance of critical discussion and guided exercises to inspire new work and creativity. You’ll be challenged to explore unfamiliar techniques and genres that you might not … Read more

The Evening Workout

An intensive 7-week class for writers whose imaginations need a kick in the ass. There will be a mixture of generative exercises and dives into elements of craft, with readings, assignments, games, and discussions designed to help you hone your process and improve your fiction. We’ll start out creating new story ideas before heading into … Read more

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