
The Reader Berlin has what all writers seek: a careful and judicious eye. With a background in education and the arts and a working relationship with London’s literary establishment, The Reader offers a range of author and publishing services.

Founded by Victoria Gosling in 2010, The Reader soon evolved from what was initially an editing house offering manuscript assessments to become the lively, diverse entity it is today. Alongside our editing services and an ever-expanding list of evening courses, we also offer intensive courses, one-day workshops and in July 2014, our first very own weekend literary festival. Our Sunday Salons are legendary.

We are are small endeavour, but we punch above our weight, benefiting from the creative hub that is our home town and the fact that so many esteemed writers blow through Berlin (and whom we often persuade to teach a course or two). This means that our participants can access worlds of experience and expertise without paying thousands to take part in MFA or Masters programmes.

Furthermore, the more time we’ve spent in the German capital, the more we’ve put down roots and made connections. These days, our services have expanded to include business services such as corporate writing and creativity workshops, copywriting, and translation, and we act as consultants for a growing number of businesses.

Writing can be joyous but it is solitary; sharing work is both inspiring and a useful part of the process. Our aim is to support artists in their creativity, offer them mentoring, honest feedback and advice.

Whether a writer is just starting out, has a drawer full of pieces that are never quite finished, or is ready to start sending work out but unsure how to find a home for it, The Reader Berlin seeks to share the benefit of its tutors’ experience, suggest pathways, and support Berlin’s creative literary community.


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