Rowan Hisayo Buchanan Workshop and Double-Launch Feature with Jessica J. Lee

Acclaimed author Rowan Hisayo Buchanan is coming all the way from the UK in November for the Reader Berlin’s final launch event of the year and to teach a one-day writing workshop.

Join us for this very special double-feature on Friday 9th November featuring the book launches of Hisayo Buchanan’s Starling Days and Jessica J. Lee’s Two Trees Make a Forest: on memory, migration and Taiwan. The authors will read from their books and discuss modes of articulating sadness, intergenerational immigration and senses of home in their work. Check out the Facebook event to save the date!

On Saturday 10th November, Rowan will be hosting a one-day Reader Berlin workshop on Creative Nonfiction: The Lyric Essay for writers of all levels. This will be a great opportunity for fiction writers who are thinking of dabbling in nonfiction, poets who want to try prose, or nonfiction writers who want to try a different kind of nonfiction. Wherever you’re at, this class aims to help you to that next step.


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