November 28th: *Online* One-Day Workshop with Divya Ghelani

Fresh from the triumph (our words!) of her online reading series, Divya Ghelani will be offering a fantastic one-day workshop this November.

This one-day generative fiction workshop invites you to conjure new story ideas through the close examination of passages from contemporary novels by women & non-binary people of colour. You will be galvanized to write via a series of reading-related prompts, asking you to emulate style, explore imagery, refashion themes, transform characters, and shift perspectives.

Through pre-workshop reading, lively in-group discussion, and a series of tailored creative writing exercises, this course presents reading not as passive consumption but as inherently productive; a creative experience that can catalyze reader-writers in new imaginative directions. Writing will take place in short bursts throughout the day and everyone will leave with nine story ideas and inspiration for many more.

Read more here.

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