How to Book Swap + Party!/ Apr. 7

The Reader Berlin, Siena Powers, and Victor Breidenbach invite you to this year’s first How to Book Swap Party, a manifesto of the Book Swap of, by, and for the people.

  1. Books, what weird objects. Why are they like that?
  2. It is time to let go of the fantasy that you will ever read Thomas Mann’s Der Zauberberg or Alfred Doblin’s Berlin Alexanderplatz. They have been judging you from their high shelf for long enough. You are an adult and will never find the time to read them! The time has come to let someone else carry the burden for a while.
  3. So the book swap is also about saying goodbye to the ambitions that are weighing us down. It is about setting free.
  4. Bring books for the pile, but also make specific gifts to friends or foes. Offer unsolicited advice. Gift the antiracism books to your racist friends. Gift with care and tough love. There may be hard feelings, which is why there will be beer, wine and wrestling referees.
  5. Don’t bring the books from the bottom of your book barrel, just like you wouldn’t bring a broken ladder to a friend that needs to change a lightbulb in their high-ceilinged altbau apartment. You would bring a sturdy and safe ladder that gets the job done…


All that is required of you for this event is that you bring 1-3 books to swap. And that you read the fine print (See picture above). There will be posters at the venue for you to look at more closely and for sale, of course!

Doors will open at 19:00 at Lettretage. So come prepared with your books, your intentions, read the posters, and GET READY TO SWAP throughout the evening!

Siena Powers with a hand over her face

Siena Powers is a painter and literary editor with SAND Journal. She likes using literature, fashion, and nature as starting points for her work. She lives in Berlin









Victor Breidenbach passport picture with checkmarksVictor Breidenbach is a Berlin-based poet.

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